My Kids Pets The GOppets

Meet Twinkie

Before Lelly, we had 3 dogs simultaneously. Veronica (Boston Terrier who belonged to Ate), Betty (American Bulldog who belonged to Babyson), and Virginia or Jinia (Mine & Bae’s – we shared custody). We also had Ethel (Kap’s Great Dane) & Midge (Kap’s Black Labrador) at the time but we needed to give them away when we got overwhelmed with so many dogs in the house. Headcount was already 1:1 ratio, kenat be!

Proving time & again that dogs indeed are a man’s best friend. <3 Our kids learned early on the love of dogs.

Virginia (JINIA) always on my mind. <3

Sure, it was fun having the lot, but trouble with having a lot of kids (fur & the other kind) is you don’t get to lavish as much attention because you’re careful not to let them know there’s a favorite. (But of course in my heart of hearts, Jinia was the favorite). Not like when there’s just one, walang sibling rivalry going on.

One by one, they were recalled to Heaven huhu. And then came Jela Kristin (or JelaTin, or more simplified, JELA. But mostly Lelly as our term of endearment. Buti hindi sya nalilito sa dami ng tawag namin sa kanya HAHAHA!). My 3rd bulldog, I have a fascination with this short-snouted, heavy-set variety. She is one spoiled bitch (a female dog, literally) & had everyone’s undivided attention.

Jela, true to her breed, is really so affectionate which makes her super easy to love. She loves to snuggle with us & cuddle. Oftentimes she’d come up to us & ask to be carried while lounging on the sofa. <3 That’s the best part of her day, being loved by her humans.

Meanwhile, Twinks doesn’t like to be cuddled. Believe me, I’ve tried. She doesn’t like it. She’d let us pet her for a few seconds, but after that, she’d struggle to get away & back to her “nest”. Corgis, according to Wikipedia, are known for their territorial aggression towards other dogs, have a strong-willed mind of their own, requiring a confident owner who can take charge. And like to chase and nip at things that move. ;)) Oh nooooooo Twinks!!

But again, I’m getting ahead of the story as I’m prone to do. 😛 Anyway, when Ate excitedly informed me that one of her friends wanted to give her a dog (an adult dog no less), I didn’t have my heart set on it. I thought long & hard. On one hand, our dear Lelly would have company & she won’t be so sad when we leave her for travels or staycations. On the other hand, an adult dog? Hmmnnn, may ugali na yang kinalakihan, at may amo nang sinusundan. She prolly won’t bond with us as she did her former owners. But Ate is really insistent once she sets her mind to it. Wala akong panalo with her reasoning ability, grabe. Dapat yata nag-abogado nalang sya!

Also, Jela has suddenly developed skin allergies of some sort. Going on 8 months now, her skin rashes has been hitting on & off. Gagaling, babalik, gagaling ng konti, babalik uli ng mas grabe. We’ve taken her to 2 vets & yet it persists, we have exhausted all possibilities and are still clueless on how to treat her. The vet in Vets in Practice said it’s food allergy & has kept her in a strict salmon diet (omg nakakaloka ang gastos!) plus regular antibiotic & steroid injections. The vet in Animal House naman said it’s fungal, so she has prescribed oral antibiotics. Lelly’s liver is probably shot with all these meds left & right huhu. Hay, ewan ko na talaga Lelly ano pa ang gagawin ko sayo.

In spite of numerous medications & change of food supply and eating habits, her condition has worsened. I’m seriously at a loss as to how to help our poor Lelly huhu! She really looks so ugly now but we try our best to make her still feel beautiful.

Anyhoo, vets 1 & 2 said no emotional trauma for Lelly which can aggravate her skin condition, so I also considered that heavily. Even Kap change this mind after saying “YES” to the new dog & took back his matamis na “Oo” coz he was worried Lelly might take the new addition to the family badly.

But long story short, Ate had her way & got the dog, a Welsh Corgi. Twinkie is almost 2 years old & is being given away by her mommy because she simply has too many on her hands (13 dogs ho-hem-gee!) and her helpers quit. Plus there’s a possibility of a migration to the US in the near future, so she had to place her dogs before it happened so there’s no rude awakening on their part.

Thinking of also adopting an older dog? CLICK HERE to read the Pros & Cons for every stage & age..

The Adolescent Age

From one to three years of age is said to be the most frustrating period for dog owners. Like teenagers, they push their boundaries and try to get away with all sorts of mischief. This is, unsurprisingly, the age that is most often surrendered to shelters by owners that can’t take it anymore. Consistency and supervision are the most important things for this stage, even if it means going right back to basic puppy training.

Pros of Adopting an Adolescent Dog

  • Dogs over a year old have made connections between behavior and reward, even if that reward is slightly delayed.
  • The age-related restrictions on physical exercise have started to lift, allowing to do more strenuous play with your dog, like longer hikes, jogging, jumping games and starting dog sports if you are so inclined.

Cons of Adopting an Adolescent Dog

  • There might be behaviors that you need to deal with, like counter-surfing, biting, and inappropriate markings.
  • As was mentioned earlier, adolescent dogs will push their boundaries and constantly try to get away with things. It takes a stern leader to get through the adolescent stage, but once you do, the rest is pretty much smooth sailing.

Twinkie with her original parents, Kim & Joe. Twinkie was Joe’s gift to Kim before they got married so she was really heartbroken to have to find Twinks a new home. But sometimes, we parents need to make sacrifices for the good of our children. And this is what they thought was best for their furbaby.

As you can see, the giblings (including Lelly) are very happy to accommodate the latest member of the GOppets family. <3

Hey, no judgements here. For a while, I also had FIVE dogs & I too got overwhelmed. You know, it’s hard to walk away when puppy eyes are staring at you & begging to be taken home. So yeah, I get the feeling & shared her sentiments. All you can do really, is find a good home who can give the love & attention to the furbaby you can no longer call your own. </3

The moment Twinkie was brought to our home & introduced to her new family by her original parents, I knew it was gonna take a long while for all parties to adjust. Twinkie is a very skittish dog. As in NERBYOSA sobra. One sudden move gets her on a tailspin, literally. We had to be very gentle with her as she seems to be very afraid of us, I don’t know why. 2 months in now & still she isn’t used to us, which is very sad, really, because we have done everything in our power to let her feel loved & welcome.

Slowly by slowly though, we are earning her trust. And just like Wilson the Parrot (our most recent adoptee), she has bonded really well with Kap. <3 He is the one most tyaga with her, to my surprise.

Sya ang naglalakad tuwing umaga, sya ang nagsusubo ng pagkain, he brushes her fur constantly & takes her along with him wherever dogs are permitted. Why, he even changes her diaper! Just so you know, he NEVER changed any of our kids’ diapers ha. As in NEVER!

Kap, like me, has been surrounded by dogs all his life so it was a natural bonding for him & Twinks. Plus, she probs got the memo that Kap is the TRUE head of our family. ;P

Lelly, at first, made tampo at not being the sole & resident fur-princess anymore. But she soon got over it & also tried to be friendly (which shocked me but also made me feel proud as a Mommy knowing my fur baby has such a kind disposition pala).

But all her advances so far to make friends with our newcomer were met with singhal. Twinkie would often bare her teeth to Jela & growl whenever her Ate would go near & attempt to make friends. So at best, they just ignore each other & stay at opposite ends. This makes me very sad. </3 A mother’s heart is happiest when all her children get along & there is peace, joy & love in the household.

I read up & found out that Corgis are not known for their affectionate trait.  So there’s that. At least we know her aloofness is not totally our doing, lawl!

We have nicknamed the duo A.N. & Buli. Twinkie, who is super nerbyosa and doesn’t like to eat (which is why she is so thin!) is A.N. or An – short for Anorexia NERBYOSA hehe. Jela meanwhile, who overeats AND overdrinks which is why she barfs all the time, is Buli – short for Bulimic. Hay nako you two, ROFL! ;))

For now, all we can do is show Twinkie (now aptly named Jinkee to match all our names starting with the letter J) that she is as much a part of the family, and love her the best we can. Hopefully, she’d feel relaxed & at home sooner than later.

Welcome to the fam Jinx! :-*

A couple of weeks ago, March 3 to be exact, Twinks celebrated her 2nd birthday with us, her new family. We gave the furbabies a huge slab of burger each to enjoy. And Twinks got to blow not 1, not 2, but THREE candles! One advance for the year that she will spend with us. Sana naman by her 3rd birthday, she loves all of us na.

Our growing family. <3 Sisterhood is probably the most competitive relationship in the family. But once the sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship. I hope that in time, that too will be the case for Jinx & Lelly. <3

PS: Twinks has a boyfriend! If you remember the Dayrits from our Superfriend days, they recently acquired a pet! A Welsh Corgi they named Scottie. And now the 2 mag-balaes (Kap & Jojo) are playing matchmakers. @_@ Twinks, naunahan mo pa ang mga Ate mo magkaroon ng lovelife?! Please lang ha, I’m too young to be a grandma. Stop it!

Keeping our fingers (and toes) crossed & continuously hoping for the best. 😉


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  • Reply jo

    hello twinkie/jinkee! 🙂

    March 14, 2018 at 8:57 am
  • Reply Chel

    OMG Miss Jane, ibang klase si Lelly! Divang diva!

    1. May second name pa si Jela!
    2. “strict salmon diet” – Daig pa ko!
    3. Sweet ni Lelly – she tried to bond with the Twinks! <3
    4. May eating disorders yung two dogs!
    5. Hala, ang aga nagka jowa ni Twinks! In fairness, magaling pumili – anak mayaman!

    March 14, 2018 at 10:21 am
    • Reply Jane Go

      hahaha tawang tawa naman ako sa mga comments mo dear Chel. Thank you for making me smile. Mwah! :-*

      March 14, 2018 at 10:40 am
  • Reply january

    hi, jane. my senior lab had developed skin allergies also and we’re treating her for over a year now with antibiotics. like you, i also fear that her liver had suffer much that’s why we’re giving her liver supplements. but recently, we saw great improvement when her skin patches started to heal and grow hair back. we’re doing home remedies now like oatmeal bath and regularly apply cooking oil on affected areas. plus, give jela home-cooked meals instead of kibbles.

    March 14, 2018 at 10:31 am
    • Reply Jane Go

      Thank you for sharing these dear Elna. I hope our dear lelly will outgrow these rough patches soon (pun intended hehe).

      March 14, 2018 at 10:41 am
  • Reply Med

    Did you call the handsome vet na? LOL

    When I saw Lelly, she has super shiny shimmmmmering splendid white glowing fur! Hope her skin gets better soon para magka-boypren na din like sissssy Jinkee. Dapat taga-Eyele Elebeng din. LOL

    March 14, 2018 at 1:29 pm
    • Reply Jane Go

      Waaa I haven’t called him yet meding. I will give him a call na. Akala ko kasi madadaan sa santong dasalan! ;))

      March 14, 2018 at 4:42 pm
  • Reply Erika

    Love the family pic! ❤

    March 14, 2018 at 5:59 pm
    • Reply Jane Go

      Thabk you! Now we are 6 haha. 😉

      March 14, 2018 at 6:01 pm

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