
Noche Buena 2012

Normally, we spend our noche buena at home. No fanfare, just a simple midnight snack of hot pandesal, ham & cheese after the opening of presents. The traditional noche buena feast in every filipino home.. or so I thought! ;P Until we spent our noche buena with the Buensalidas! ;))

The Buensalidas were very nice & thoughtful to invite us to their lovely home & adopt us for the night. Ate Marita’s siblings are all in the U.S. so she really has taken me under her wing & treats me like her own sister now. I sooooo feel her love! <3 Sila ni kuya Rolly & the rest of the Buensalida family. <3

Engrande pala ang noche buena hahaha!

Lovely ALCOHOLIC girls hahaha LELz-JK! <3 
The cute & festive alcohol-infused Jello Shots Angela made.
Ate M’s first attempt at Paella & succeeding mightily! m/
Sobrang yummy! <3
Uber rich & creamy Clam Chowder Soup, my hunny’s personal favorite that night.
(He not only got seconds, but thirds as well!) ;))
Short ribs. Both Pork & Beef (not in picture)
With my ate who just LOVES me so! <3
My pretty Lavinia! <3 <3 <3 
Happy with their “cousins”. <3
With my hunny bun!! <3 <3 <3 
Merry Christmas everyone! 🙂
From our family to yours! :-*

God gave His greatest gift to us on that first CHRISTmas day. May the wonder of it always guide you & light your way. Have a BLESSED CHRISTmas & a prosperous 2013!!! :-*

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