
Mini Pageant Playdate

My Lovey invited her friends over the next day for a mini-pageant-cum-christmas playdate/(iced)tea-party. Whew! Ang haba nun ah! ;))

Ate & my babyson were so nice to agree to be the hostess/host for the day since I was really drained. My energy level was really sooooo low na what with the christmas rush & last-minute christmas shopping & wrapping on top of the kids’ hectic schedule, that I was so grateful for their valuable & most appreciated help. <3 Best of all, my Lovey & her friends enjoyed their company & riot talaga the dapat demure (iced)tea party haha! ;))

I just ordered a sandwich platter from Almon Marina since it was supposedly an (iced)Tea Party. And fixed a somewhat cute table set-up for the girls.. Not yet Martha Stewart’s level but hopefully getting there one small step at a time haha!  ;))

Sandwich platter 1k
and Rica was so nice to send over some of her famous carrot cupcakes that the girls (& I) absolutely LOVED! <3
The lovely girls.. too bad the rest were either out of town or busy with the holiday festivities.. 🙁
My sweetness teaching them the pageant walk & giving them pointers.. Thank you ate!! :-*
Captive audience! ;)) Eager to learn the ropes from the professional haha! ;))
Poise & Walk 101! 😉
My Lovey’s turn.. she did not take it seriously. Hmp! 😛
Runway girls..
work it! ;))

And the winners are..

Best (iced)Tea party outfit! BELLA! <3
Best Pageant Walk.. MAXINE! <3
We bought cute little prizes in rustans for the grls to enjoy.
After all, what is a party without games & prizes? 😉
And they’re still little girls at heart.

And after the glamour comes the fun hahaha!

Setting up the BEER (Iced)Tea Pong Table
Teaching them the mechanics.. oh-oh! They’re experts haha! ;))
The BEER (Iced)Tea Pong winners! m/
Minute-to-win-it game…
Chubby cheeks. Omg from glamorous to stuffing their faces with marshmallows hahaha! ;P
And the winner for the most stuffed cheeks… TASHA!!! 🙂

And after the fun comes.. chow time! Erm.. I mean Tea time! 😉

Thank you ate for helping me out & giving the girls so much fun & awesome memories!! :-*

Ahhhhh… a mother’s job is never done! 😛 I hope you had fun, my Lavinia! Love you, thank you for always being so patient with ate’s activities & always supporting her endeavors! :-*

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  • Reply Frances Lorraine

    super love Jana's outfit!! beauty queen indeed! 😀

    December 26, 2012 at 12:12 pm
  • Reply Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice

    Thank you Franny! <3 I know right, it's like she BLOOMED overnight, gosh! The pageant really gave her confidence & boost, I'm so glad! :-*

    December 26, 2012 at 1:04 pm
  • Reply Jana Go

    hihihi thank you Fran!!! <3 my head is getting so big lately… woooo!

    December 26, 2012 at 1:25 pm
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