

For my baby’s birthday dinner, we had to eat someplace near coz it was a school night. Parking is really getting bad in the mall ever since the”ber” months came -so anywhere THERE was out of the question. My Lovey was craving for Yang Chow, so the choice was further narrowed down to chinese. We decided to have dinner at Zong’s. Old, but yummy. Besides, it’s been ages since we last ate there.

I love you so much, my baby!!! <3
Thank you for being mommy’s good little girl!

True enough, it was a ghost town. I remember the time when the wait list was so long. Now, it’s one of those forgotten restaurants -I won’t be surprised if this too closes down soon. Too bad, I’ve always loved the food at Zong’s.

Jelly fish with century egg 188 php
Dumplings with black vinegar sauce 328
Big & crunchy. I LOVED it!
Best paired with chili sauce. NOMS! <3
The dumplings came with soup.
Hot prawn salad 448 php
Good, but I think this was over-priced. The serving was really small.
Yang Chow Fried Rice 288 php
However, THIS was The Bomb! <3
Fujian Fried Rice (with sauce) 288 php
1/2 Roasted Chicken 300 php
Sweet & Sour Pork 328 php
What I keep coming back for.. Deep Fried Prawn & Peach Roll 188 php
Steamed fish with garlic & soy sauce 438 php
Malaysian style string beans 328 php
I found this quite expensive for just string beans.
Sauteed Beef & Broccoli 428 php
Again, good. But pricey for such a small serving, really.
E-fu birthday/longlife noodles 388 php
Such a sweetie! <3
She loves to kiss & cuddle with mommy.
Hope you had a happy albeit very simple birthday baby! I’ll make up for it on saturday, promise! Love you! :-*
Yay! Surprise gifts from friends when we got home. 🙂
Thank you so much tita Rica & Bella! <3

Thank you so much tita Rg & Marcus! <3
Thank you so much tita Ampy & Max! <3
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