

Anderson was sick today -actually, since last friday pa, poor guy. And it just so happened that Lovey volunteered naman as carpool for her Mind museum field trip. All 3 kids had to be in school by 7AM. Dilemma, dilemma. Sabay pa sa bagyo our gulo schedule huhu. So my poor ate had to hitch a ride with her friend in order to go to school.

We were also worried that classes might be suspended due to the storm midway & it would take me at least an hour to get to her. Anderson usually stays in school to wait for her, so she felt a bit panicky knowing he didn’t have her back.

I don’t know why school/depEd officials think it’s okay for college students
to brave the storm when grade school/high school are exempted.
Big kids are human beings capable of being sick too, you know! :((

I felt so guilty the whole day that I decided to surprise her by picking her up. Look at her surprised face when her classmate/friend, Bianca, told her that I was there haha.. Precious! ;))

Finally got to meet her new friends.
It’s so funny. It seems like I know all of them by heart because of all the
kwentos ate tells me & the pictures in her blog.
So I automatically smiled at them & called their names before ate saw me.
Panic siguro sila why may isang ale na kilala silang lahat hahaha! ;p

She had another surprise coming when we went to her favorite store instead of going home straight from school. Had to feed her first though. Too bad SM makati didn’t have any place decent to eat. We ended up in the food court as we were also in a hurry to get home before we got stuck in the 5PM traffic. Thank goodness for Lydia’s lechon haha. Ate loves paksiw & lechon!

Hearty merienda..

Sad to say, Forever 21 Makati was so disappointing. All their stocks were old. I brought ate there because I know she didn’t get to concentrate much last thursday in MOA as she was so excited to be with all her friends. I was really hoping she could get a second wind.

They didn’t have this in Makati. I keep blaming myself that I should have shown it to ate when we were in MOA last week. Too cute to pass up, really nice as school shoes. I really thought she would zone in on it too -we usually have brainwaves! I guess she was just too overwhelmed with the fashion show, shopping, and catching up with her friends put together. 🙁

Bejeweled black shoes for school! <3

But at least she got this shoe. Debut season is up, time to stock up on killer heels! 😉

True definition of KILLER HEELS! @_@

If you really want the complete & latest stocks, go to MOA.
Or the biggest F21 store I think is the one in Megamall.
Forget Makati.

I really really wanted to spoil her today, but between the food & the shopping, I can’t say that I accomplished my goal. 🙁 Good thing she just loves me so much that my being with her was more than enough. She kept cuddling up to me & holding my hand, so sweet my darling girl! <3

Oh! one good thing that came out today (aside from ate’s killer heels) was we finally got Lovey the floral jeans she’s been wanting. Costs an arm & a leg at M&S but she’s really been looking for this a couple of months now. Thank you ate for this great find! :-*

I would have felt bad coming home empty handed since my Lovey kept texting me the whole time I was out.
I’m so glad ate saw this! <3

I hope Anderson is better na by tomorrow. Promise ate if he’s still sick I’ll have daddy take you to school himself. I love you ate!!! :-*

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