
Sunrise, sunset.. Swiftly flow the days!

Today, we’re submitting another 2 of my daughter’s 4 college applications. We submitted her UP form several weeks ago, & today, the UST & DLSU forms. She’s still working on her Ateneo essay. How time flies!!! It seems just like yesterday when my hunny & I were choosing schools for nursery. Now we have fast-forwarded to college at the blink of an eye! @_@

With Daniella, her first friend ever! <3

Ate was always a Sparkler’s awardee.
Every year she went up the stage & I would clap as loud as I could! 🙂

You have always been so smart ate. You make us proud with all your accomplishments! :-*
Ate was always ranked among the top 3 all through her stay in her old school.
In her new school. With her girl scout troop! 🙂
Graduating from grade school. My young lady! 🙂
This year, she will be graduating from high school. And my lovey in grade school. Sooooo fast!!!

I have been nagging Ate no end to review, review, review. She seems confident that she can wing it without taking up review classes, when ALL of her classmates did over the summer! @_@ I really don’t know where she got her VERY STUBBORN nature! ;)) I just hope that she is as smart & clever as she thinks and she passes at least half, if not ALL, the schools she applied in.

My parents were both medical doctors, none of us children followed their footsteps, so as soon as they knew their A-B-C’s, I’ve kind of been “brainwashing” my kids to take up medicine for college. I know, I know, I’m evil! ;P

Ate & Kuya are determined to take up medicine, so I guess my “hard work” paid off mwahaha!!! ;P My lovey wants to be a chef, which is actually fine by me. Don’t set me out to be the evil queen. I’m just confident that they can pull it off because they are such smart & fast learners. I believe in their capabilities & I see in my heart that they can achieve my, I mean their, dreams! 😉 I’m leaving room for my lovey to grow, after all, she might still change her mind in the future & join her siblings in the medical world!!! ;P

But seriously, whatever course you take, my darling children, Daddy & I will back you up all the way. Bottom line is we want you to be happy in your chosen fields. We want you to succeed & have passion in your work. Pray unceasingly to God for wisdom, and for Him to direct you to the path that He wants you to take, for only then will be achieve success & happiness. That is always our prayer for you. We love you so SOOOOOOOO much! :-*

Is this the little girl I carried?
Is this the little boy at play?
I don’t remember growing older
When – did – they?
When did she get to be a beauty?
When did he grow to be so tall?
Wasn’t it yesterday when they – were – small? 
Sunrise, sunset, Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the days
Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers
Blossoming even as we gaze
Sunrise, sunset, Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

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