
For My Mommy

For my Mommy with love! <3

“M” is for the million things she gave me
“O” means only that she’s growing old
“T” is for the tears she shed to save me
“H” is for her heart of purest gold
“E” is for her eyes with love-light shining
“R” means right and right she’ll always be
Put them all together they spell MOTHER, a word that means the world to me.
“M” is for the mercy she possesses
“O” means that I owe her all I own
“T” is for her tender, sweet caresses
“H” is for her hands that made a home
“E” means ev’rything she’s done to help me
“R” means real and regular, you see
Put them all together they spell MOTHER, a word that means the world to me.
-Howard Johnson
Happy Mother’s Day to my wonderful Mommy! <3
May God give you the desires of your heart Mommy,
and may He extend your life & give you great joy & calmness in your heart.
I love you and I thank God for giving me a mommy as wonderful as you! :-*
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  • Reply mr_jeng

    Hi po 😀 advance mother's day to you po and your mom 😀 😀 😀 …. You are just so sweet po! 😀 😀 :Dot:I took your advice po and tried it out 😀 hahahahttp://foodinthebag.blogspot.com/

    May 11, 2013 at 9:26 am
  • Reply Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice

    Wooho!!! m/ Soooo proud of you!!! Imma give you a proper shout out on my next blog (tomorrow). Congratulations!! Count on me to be your #1 fan!!! :-*

    May 11, 2013 at 9:38 am
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