
Congratulations on your Graduation!

My 2 girls graduated yesterday. I teared as I saw not 1, but 2, walk down the aisle in their cap & gown. My girls are all grown up!!! :'((

There you are in your cap and tassel,
Ready to make the world your castle.
It seems just yesterday you were a kid,
Watching everything we did.
Now we’re watching you graduate–
The grown young woman we helped create!
On wings of knowledge you will fly,
Following your vision and rising high.
We couldn’t be any prouder of you.
And we wish you God’s blessings & success in all you do.
Remember one thing we want you to know:
Our love is with you wherever you go.

No matter how many times I see any of the 3 kids walk the aisle at some given time, I still get a huge lump in my throat & can’t help the tears that fall non-stop. I saw how ate struggled emotionally this year so I’m just so happy & overwhelmed with relief for her that her nightmare is over. I’m also excited for my baby girl to start high school. Fresh new beginnings for everyone! <3
We went to Circles for dinner to celebrate the accomplishment of my 2 hungry & drained girls. It was so hot in their gowns! Thank goodness it wasn’t too sunny yesterday.

Was too hungry to remember taking a picture of my dimsum plate! ;P
and only remembered to take a picture as I was halfway through my noodle bowl!
Sayang, all the good stuff in my bowl  is gone na! ;))
My sushi plate! Nomnomnom! <3
My meat plate. contents:
shawarma, lamb fillets, beef slab, fish curry.
my dessert plate. Not that much.
Yes, I was too full already!@_@
But my hunny certainly wasn’t going to let a little thing
such as a full stomach stop him! 😛
Fresh swahe! <3
And sweet alaskan king crab. SULIT! m/
We tried to fit the “congratulations” candle into this teeny tiny cake! ;))
Congratulations, girls!!! <3

Congratulations, my 2 lovely girls. Ate, I wish you true friends, endless gimmicks, rockin’ grades, & a great college experience. Maybe even a boyfriend LATER ON!!! 😉 Baby girl, I wish you happy high school memories, new & loyal friends, & good grades -and no boyfriend for you yet!. Thank you for being such good girls & making me so very happy & proud all the time. I love you so so much! <3 
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  • Reply Shaws

    Congrats to Jana and Jena! Happy for you, Janey!

    March 31, 2012 at 10:49 am
  • Reply Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice

    thank you shawie!!! :-*

    March 31, 2012 at 2:02 pm
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