
Baking 101!

My youngest daughter loves to bake. Unfortunately for her, I don’t know anything about baking.. or cooking.. or even boiling if my life depended on it! šŸ˜›

So when one of her two best friends invited her to take up baking class this summer, she was DEE-LIGHTED!!!

My baby with one of her two bestest friends! šŸ™‚
A 5-day Baking Camp at GCIC from May 8-12
Day 1: Brownies & Blondies

What a nice way to bond during the summer brake! šŸ™‚
Brownies & Blondies (white chocolate)
Day 2: Chocolate Chip cookies & Peanut Butter cookies (Downside to the summer class was I had to wait for her for 3 long, boring hours every day for 5 days!!! @_@)

I’m glad my baby loved baking camp! šŸ™‚

Yummy Chocolate Chip Cookies

Day 3: Fruit Tarts & Pecan Pie (which they were not able to make due to lack of time)

What a happy little girl! <3

The girls kinda had a harder time with the tarts! And yet they were smiling. What good girls they are!! <3

Day 4: Choco & Butter Cupcakes

I think these were my favorite!! šŸ™‚

Day 5: Free style Bake-Off! (Make your own mini-cakes)

Free-style mini cakes.
My baby’s group was so creative! I love their colorful cakes! <3

Judging & Awarding:

My lovey’s group..
The other teams..

Being judged.. 40% taste, 40% creativity, 20% teamwork.
My baby’s group won 1st place!!! I’m so proud of you guys!!! <3
With the rest of the camp attendees! Big clap for everyone!!! šŸ™‚
Celebration to cap off the 5-day baking class!

Had a celebratory High Tea at the Pen!
I love their warm buttery scones!!! <3
Congratulations girls!!! :-*
My baby girl missed her classes so much that the next day, she bugged me no end to buy ingredients so she can bake! I’m glad she found something she really likes to do.

What a beautiful & yummy cake! Thank you my lovey! :-*
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